Skiddish or Skittish: Which is the Correct Spelling?

Have you ever found yourself unsure whether to write “skiddish” or “skittish” when describing someone who’s easily scared? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are confused about the correct spelling of this word. Let’s clear up the mystery and settle this spelling dilemma once and for all.

Skiddish: Not a Real Word!

Why “Skiddish” Is Incorrect

In the debate between “skiddish” and “skittish,” there is a straightforward answer: “skiddish” is not a word! Much like the misspelling “freind,” “skiddish” is entirely made up and does not exist in the English language.

If you’ve been spelling it with a double “d,” now is the time to toss that version out. The correct way to spell the word is “skittish,” and it should always have a double “t.” But why is this particular spelling mistake so common? Let’s explore that next.

The Origins of the Confusion

Understanding Why “Skittish” Is Hard to Spell

To grasp why so many people mix up the spelling of “skittish,” it helps to understand the word “skid.”

  • Skid (verb): To slide uncontrollably, often because of a slippery surface.

Because “skittish” describes someone or something that is jumpy, nervous, or likely to run away, many people assume it is related to the action of skidding. When someone or something runs away too fast, they might even skid to a stop! However, this association is incorrect. The word “skittish” comes from a different root and must always be spelled with two “t”s.

Why Spelling It “Skittish” Is Important?

Despite the similarity in sound to “skid,” the correct spelling is always skittish, not skiddish. If you want to describe a horse that’s easily startled or a person who is nervously on edge, you need to use the proper spelling.

Quick Recap: Skittish vs. Skiddish

Here’s a quick summary of the difference:

  • Skiddish: Incorrect, not a real word.
  • Skittish: Correct spelling, meaning easily scared or nervous.
The Final Answer

The next time someone asks you, “Is it spelled skiddish or skittish?” you can confidently reply: “Skiddish is not a word. The correct spelling is skittish.” Now that you know, you can avoid this common spelling mistake and use “skittish” correctly every time.

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