15 Best Books for Men Before They Hit Half a Century

Before you hit your 50s, we bring you a list of the best books for men that can enhance the wisdom of your bookshelf. Add these best books, especially for Men into your TBR( to be read) list. From timeless classics to new challenges of this modern world that may give you a new lens for a different vision than regular, some stories may contain the adventure, required life lessons that are neccessary, and a takeaway for the rest of your life.

These 15 best books for Men become your starting point even whether you read books or not. 

best books for men

List of Best Books for Men To Read in 2024

Michel Crichton –  Jurassic Park

 I bet every one of us must have watched Jurassic Park and wondered what if the dinosaurs are still alive, but in reality Jurrasic Park is based on a science fiction novel written by Michel Crichton in 1990.

It is a tale about genetic engineering showcasing the rebirth of dinosaurs with the help of some mathematical theory and its real-life impact using technologies. If you think of joining the adventure of Jurassic Park then this novel should be included in your to-be-read list.

J.R.R. Tolkien –  The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

This next book will surely take you to the land of supernaturals like elves, and dwarfs. You may think I’m talking about Snow White, but it’s not. It’s an epic fantasy trilogy showcasing the literary masterpiece written by J.R.R. Tolkien originally published in 3 parts: The Fellowship of the Ring” (1954), “The Two Towers” (1954), and “The Return of the King” (1955).

The author knows how to showcase such emotions of sacrifice, courage, friendship, and a battle between good and evil. If you are fond of historical fantasy literature this book may be placed at the top of your bookshelf.

Homer–  The Odyssey

One may have heard about the Trojan War and all the Greek gods that ruled the now-known Greece city, if you are into Greek mythology or any literature student, be a professor, or any scholar this is your sign to include Odyssey by Homer into your reading list.

A story that revolves around the period when Odysseus attempted to return to his home and throne in Ithaca after the long decade fight of the Trojan War and learn about all the struggles he went through because of the wrath of Poseidon and other mighty gods.

James Joyce – Dubliners

Joyce is famous for his complex writings, and one might need a professor who guides you like a first grader, however, Joyce took pity on his readers well not pity, but he wrote the 15 short stories and clubbed them into one book named Dubliners published in 1914, yes too old than the lord of the rings trilogy.

Dubliners is considered to be written with the concept of middle-class people dealing with different societal and emotional norms for eg; a boy who falls in love with his neighbor and wants to gift her something so he visits ‘Araby’ a night market which shuts down after his arrival so he lefts with nothing to buy for her. When you deep into the book you may come across different characters and different storylines.

Cormac McCarthy– The Road

When talking about best books for men, it would be a mistake if I didn’t talk about The Road a heart-touching relationship between a father and a son, who are struggling to find food, and shelter in a gruesome situation where an unknown event has destroyed the past and future of human beings on earth.

In search of light, this father-son duo fights all the demons mankind presents and embraces all the goodness that’s still left in the broken world. I suggest if you are a father read this book with your children and truly showcase the most beautiful relationship a father has with his children. A good thing this book is turned into a movie, but the learnings from the book will remain with you for a long time.

Ken Kesey– One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 

This is the type of book that truly presents the mindset of rebels, Mc Murphy the protagonist is not afraid to stir up the cold environment in a psych ward where he hides his identity and plays along with being an insane person to not end up in prison.

Chief Bromden narrates the tale of Mc Murphy who becomes a hero when he challenges Nurse Ratched who rules the ward and is known to keep authority over men. This book may keep you thinking about whether you should look for others or keep it low.

Kurt Vonnegut– God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater

As the name of the book says god bless you, Mr Rosewater, surely blessed a small city named Rosewater County in New York. Mr Rosewater claims to not follow the footsteps of his father and must erase the disparity between rich and poor by helping those in need with money from the Rosewater Foundation, which is relevant in today’s world.

The story does not end with all sunshine and wonders but it shows that politics and jealousy of your own family and your people can lead to the destruction of all the goodness you give to your community and your family. So if you are someone who puts others first and still gets nothing in return, then this book can be part of your daily life. Hence it gets the title of one of the best books for men.

Ray Bradbury– Fahrenheit 451

Again adding to best books for Men, a novel written by the author Ray Bradbury, who saw something when he was 15 years old, the nazis ordered to burn down the books available anywhere in America, which shocked him to the core and forced him to write the novel Fahrenheit 451.

This novel however manages to tell us the importance of books and as well as to maintain a balance between advanced technologies like TV, the internet, and books. To the one who loves reading books in a quiet place away from all the technical gadgets, there you go.

Aldous Huxley– 1984 – George Orwell/Brave New World

This novel is set in a world where citizens are modified genetically, and where society is based on their intelligence level. The plot revolves around themes of major advancement in different technologies, like reproduction, psychological manipulation, sleep-learning, and classical conditioning, which turns into a nightmare to live in such a society, and the protagonists rebel against such norms.

It must be a nightmare where the printed book is illegal!! This novel is about Guy Montag who is a fireman his job is to burn printed books and any houses that hide them, however, when he meets a strange young woman, he starts questioning everything he has known.

Ray Bradbury’s classic touches on a world where television rules and books are a threat. This novel includes his essays and critical essays by renowned writers, and it also includes Bradury’s rare manuscript pages and sketches from his archive. You can surely find the best books for men on this list

Charles Dickens– Hard Times

Sometimes our choices lead us to different endings, just like in Hard Times a novel that revolves around the mid-19th century where a group of people lived in an industrial town named Coketown.

In this novel the choices made by characters impacted by their deeds, who did good lived well in the town and those who did bad ended up dying. Isn’t what we call karma, therefore I suggest you read this novel. surely one of the best books for men.

John Kennedy Toole– A Confederacy of Dunces

Are you someone who hates this modern world and wants to transcend to medieval period, then this book is best for you because Ignatius J. Reilly thinks the same. He’s a 30-year-old overweight man who holds a master’s degree in medieval history.

But knowing his character he always complains about everything and is unemployed living with his mother. So I ask you not to be like Reilly and find your peace in this modern time.

Douglas Adams– The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Series

I’m sure everyone once thought about galaxies, outer space, and what if the earth is destroyed. This fiction series created by Douglas is the real deal of comedy and sci-fi, it is a hitchhiker’s universe just like Harry Potter.

The trilogy of five books takes you on an adventurous ride of the misadventures of the last man surviving Arthur Dent. why he’s the last one surviving because the earth is demolished to create a way for hyperspace. Good luck with this adventurous ride of a lot of laughs.

Bill Watterson– The Complete Calvin and Hobbes

In this fast-paced world, we don’t have enough time to go through our childhood imagination. A clever way to give us a reality check Watterson tries to pour down the feeling in a comical way through a 6-year-old boy and his imaginary friend, who tries to escape reality.

True nostalgia hits when you again go through this comic and lost in the memories of your childhood.

Philip Roth– The Plot Against America

If you are someone who loves politics, as the name suggests Charles Lindberg defeated Roosevelt in the presidential election of 1940.

This novel shows the fortunes that are earned by the Roth family( a Jewish-American family) as antisemitism was widely accepted during the presidency of Charles Lindberg. These are similarities that are still found in modern politics too.

Roddy Doyle– Two Pints 

Want to know about the two friends who met at Dublin Pub and talked about their wives, kids, pets, and football teams, over two pints? If you wonder what happened in 2011 and 2012 in Ireland these two Irishmen are the best for the conversation. So grab this book and read it down with your set of two pints.

At Last

The list of 15 Best Books for Men comes to an end, I hope you like the recommendation and share your thoughts if you have read any of the books or are starting to read. Take out some time for yourself before you turn to 50s and try to indulge in reading books, to narrate the best stories for your grandkids in the future.

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