Remembering Albert Ezerzer: The Unsung Hero Behind Suits and Other Productions

Albert Ezerzer may not have been a famous actor, but his invaluable contributions to the industry left a lasting impression. Known for his dedication to the transportation department, his behind-the-scenes work ensured that numerous productions ran smoothly. His untimely death in 2014 led to a burst of tributes, particularly from the cast and crew of Suits, who honored his memory by dedicating an episode to him.

Albert Ezerzer

Early Life & Career

  • Birth and Early Life: Albert Ezerzer was born on January 31, 1959. After completing his education, he ventured into the entertainment industry—not as a performer, but as a vital member of the transportation crew.
  • Starting Out in the Industry: Ezerzer began his career in film and television working behind the scenes, managing transportation logistics. This essential role often goes unnoticed but is crucial to the smooth operation of any production, ensuring that cast, crew, and equipment are always where they need to be.

Contributions to the Entertainment Industry

  • Role in Transportation: Ezerzer’s primary responsibility involved coordinating the movement of vehicles, equipment, and personnel on set, requiring precision and reliability. His role was instrumental in maintaining production schedules and ensuring the efficient operation of film and TV projects.
  • Notable Projects:
    • Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning: One of his standout roles was as the driver for actress Shirley MacLaine during the production of this TV series. His work spanned 15 episodes, demonstrating his consistency and dedication.
    • Riding the Bus with My Sister (2005): Ezerzer served as Rosie O’Donnell’s driver, further showcasing his professionalism in various projects.
    • Other projects he contributed to include Covert One: The Hades Factor, No One Could Protect Her, Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road, and Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming. Each of these productions benefited from his commitment and behind-the-scenes expertise.

Legacy on Suits

  • Work on Suits: Albert Ezerzer worked as a driver for the cast of the popular legal drama Suits until his passing in 2014. His role on the show, although off-camera, was essential to the smooth daily operations of the production.
  • Tribute Episode: Following his death, the Suits team paid a heartfelt tribute to Ezerzer by dedicating the first episode of Season 4, which aired on June 11, 2014, in his honor. This memorial was a testament to the respect and admiration the cast and crew had for his dedication and hard work. Fans of the show, curious about the man mentioned in the tribute, soon learned more about his vital role behind the scenes.

The Sudden Tragedy

  • Passing Away: Albert Ezerzer passed away suddenly on May 9, 2014, at the age of 55 due to an aortic rupture, which caused severe internal bleeding. His unexpected death left a void for those who worked closely with him, as his reliability and professionalism were greatly valued on every project he touched.

Misconceptions and Clarifications

  • Actor Confusion: After Suits paid tribute to Ezerzer, some fans mistakenly thought he had been an actor on the show. While he was not in front of the camera, his work behind the scenes was critical to the success of the series. His tribute brought attention to the hard work of crew members whose contributions are often overlooked.
  • Episodes of the Road, and Stir of EchoesResemblance to D.B. Woodside: There were also some online discussions about a resemblance between Albert Ezerzer and actor D.B. Woodside, known for his roles in Parenthood, 24, and Lucifer. However, the two had entirely different roles in the industry, with Woodside as an actor and Ezerzer as part of the essential transportation team.


Albert Ezerzer’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the unsung heroes who work behind the scenes of the entertainment industry. His contributions to productions like Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming and Suits helped ensure that every aspect of the production ran smoothly, enabling on-screen talent to deliver their best performances. The tribute by the Suits team was a heartfelt recognition of his hard work, professionalism, and dedication.

Though Albert Ezerzer is no longer with us, his legacy lives on through the films and TV shows he helped bring to life. His story is a poignant reminder of the critical role every crew member plays in making a successful production.

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