The eagerly anticipated follow-up to “A Column of Fire,” titled “The Armor of Light,” signals a fresh start for the town of Kingsbridge, England. Here, modern advancements are at odds with old ways, social conflicts seep into every layer...
If you’re just getting to know Rebecca Yarros, get ready for a wonderful experience. As a military spouse for two decades, a mother of six, and someone who loves love stories, she brings her own experiences to the pages...
If you’re into political thrillers, chances are you enjoy Jack Carr’s writing. Below is a list of his books for those who’d like to read them in sequence.
In the realm of action-packed stories, it’s uncommon to find an author...
I’m not as smart as R.F. Kuang, but I love reading her books. Even after I finish reading, I can’t stop thinking about the story. Be careful, there are spoilers ahead!
In 1828, Robin Swift, a boy who lost his...
Jess is in need of a new beginning. She has no money, no companions, and she just left her job under unfavorable conditions. Her half-brother Ben did not seem excited when she asked if she could stay with him...
“Orbiting Jupiter” tells the story of Joseph, a young boy who has faced many challenges. He has been in trouble for a serious incident with a teacher, attended a special school, and has a daughter named Jupiter whom he...
David Baldacci, one of my favourite authors, has written captivating books like The Memory Man (Amos Decker) and the Atlee Pine series. His latest work, Simply Lies, could stand alone as a novel, but I suspect we will encounter...
Claire’s life changed drastically when her older sister, Julia, disappeared at the age of nineteen, twenty-four years ago. The Carroll family fell apart; her parents split up, and her other sister, Lydia, spiraled into drug abuse and reckless behavior....
In the The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo summary, Evelyn Hugo, a determined woman, strives to become a famous star in Hollywood. However, she faces a dilemma: she must create a public image while suppressing her true self. From...
Selling used books online can be rewarding, whether you want to declutter your bookshelves or start a small business. Amazon, one of the largest online marketplaces, provides an excellent platform for selling physical books and ebooks.
In this complete article,...