The Selection movie, a highly anticipated YA dystopian film based on Kiera Cass's bestselling novel, was slated to arrive on Netflix. However, fans of the series are no longer celebrating, as the author has announced that the adaptation is...
Spiderman has an impressive lineup of spiderman villains, even Batman and the X-Men. Sony has invested heavily in creating a cinematic universe around these baddies. While Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, and Venom get most of the spotlight, even lesser-known...
best audiobooks 2023

Best Audiobooks 2023

People who listen to best audiobooks 2023 are part of a unique group. It is like we have our own secret, similar to Fight Club. The main rule is to refrain from talking about audiobooks. If you do, people who...
Come together, friends, and listen to the story of Alina Starkov, the main character in Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone series. The book was released nearly a decade ago, but the world it created has grown significantly. With the...
best history podcasts

Best History Podcasts

Many people think the first podcast was “IT Conversations” by Doug Kaye, which was available from 2003 to 2012. A year after it started, Ben Hammersley, a writer for The Guardian, discussed this emerging trend and ended up naming...