Horus Heresy Book Order: A Simple Guide

Horus Heresy Book Order

The Horus Heresy series is a collection of books set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. These books tell the story of a galaxy-wide conflict, known as the Horus Heresy, that took place 10,000 years before the events of Warhammer 40,000. 

It is a massive saga with many books, so let’s go through Horus Heresy book order one by one.

Horus Heresy Book Order of 25 books

Here is the summary of Horus Heresy Book Order of 25 books. We will see one-by-one:

Horus Rising

“Horus Rising” is the first book in the series. It introduces us to Horus, who is the Warmaster and a key figure in the story. Horus is one of the Emperor’s most trusted generals. The Emperor has created superhuman warriors called Space Marines to help him conquer the galaxy and unite humanity. 

Horus is chosen to lead these warriors. However, as Horus gains power, he starts to have doubts about the Emperor’s true intentions. This book sets the stage for the entire conflict that follows.

False Gods

In “False Gods,” we see Horus beginning to turn against the Emperor. After being severely injured in battle, Horus is taken to a temple where he is healed by dark powers. These powers corrupt him, and he starts to believe that the Emperor is a false god who wants to control the galaxy. 

transformation of Horus into a traitor begins here, and he starts to gather other Space Marine Legions to his cause.

Galaxy in Flames

“Galaxy in Flames” continues the story as Horus’s rebellion gains momentum. He attacks the loyal Space Marines on the planet Isstvan III. This battle is brutal and showcases the betrayal and bloodshed that will characterize the Horus Heresy. Key characters face tough decisions, and the galaxy begins to plunge into chaos.

4. The Flight of the Eisenstein

In “The Flight of the Eisenstein,” we follow the story of Captain Garro. He is a loyal Space Marine who discovers Horus’s treachery. Garro escapes from the massacre on Isstvan III and sets off on a desperate journey to warn the Emperor about Horus’s betrayal. 

This book shows the bravery and loyalty of those who remain faithful to the Emperor.

5. Fulgrim

“Fulgrim” focuses on another Primarch, Fulgrim, who leads the Emperor’s Children Legion. Fulgrim’s quest for perfection and power leads him down a dark path. He becomes corrupted by the influence of the Chaos Gods. This book delves deep into the theme of corruption and the fall of once-great leaders.

6. Descent of Angels

In “Descent of Angels,” we learn about the origins of the Dark Angels Legion and their Primarch, Lion El’Jonson. This book takes us back in time to show how the Dark Angels were formed and the values they held. 

It provides background on one of the loyalist legions and sets up future conflicts within the series.

7. Legion

“Legion” tells the story of the Alpha Legion, led by the twin Primarchs Alpharius and Omegon. This book is full of intrigue and espionage, as the Alpha Legion is known for its secretive and deceptive tactics. 

It is a story of manipulation and hidden motives, revealing that not everything in the Horus Heresy is as it seems.

8. Battle for the Abyss

“Battle for the Abyss” features a clash between loyalist and traitor Space Marines in the void of space. The Word Bearers, a traitor legion, plan to attack Ultramar, the homeworld of the Ultramarines. 

A small group of loyalists must stop them. This book is action-packed, showcasing epic space battles and the heroism of those who fight against overwhelming odds.

9. Mechanicum

“Mechanicum” explores the role of the tech-priests of Mars during the Horus Heresy. Mars is the center of technological advancement and the forge of the Imperium’s war machines. As Horus’s rebellion spreads, the tech-priests must decide whether to side with the Emperor or join the traitors. 

This book delves into the politics and inner workings of the Mechanicum, showing how technology and faith intertwine.

10. Tales of Heresy

“Tales of Heresy” is a collection of short stories that explore different aspects of the Horus Heresy. These stories provide additional context and background on various characters and events. it is a great way to see different perspectives and understand the wide-reaching impact of the conflict.

11. Fallen Angels

“Fallen Angels” continues the story of the Dark Angels Legion. It focuses on the inner turmoil within the legion and the struggle between loyalty and betrayal. The Dark Angels are split, with some supporting the Emperor and others tempted by Horus’s promises. 

This book highlights the personal conflicts and choices that characters must make.

12. A Thousand Sons

“A Thousand Sons” tells the tragic story of the Thousand Sons Legion and their Primarch, Magnus the Red. Magnus is a powerful psyker who seeks knowledge and enlightenment. However, his use of forbidden sorcery leads to disaster. 

The book shows how misunderstandings and rigid beliefs can lead to tragedy, as Magnus’s attempts to warn the Emperor result in the destruction of his legion.

13. Nemesis

“Nemesis” follows a team of assassins sent to kill Horus. This book is a thriller that dives into the shadowy world of the Officio Assassinorum, the Emperor’s secretive assassin organization. The assassins have their own motivations and face moral dilemmas as they carry out their deadly mission.

14. The First Heretic

“The First Heretic” focuses on the Word Bearers Legion and their Primarch, Lorgar. The Word Bearers are fanatically devoted to worshiping the Emperor as a god. When the Emperor punishes them for this, Lorgar turns to the dark gods of Chaos. 

This book shows the deep religious fervor and the pivotal moment when the Word Bearers turn against the Imperium.

15. Prospero Burns

“Prospero Burns” is a companion to “A Thousand Sons” and tells the story from the perspective of the Space Wolves Legion. The Space Wolves are sent to punish the Thousand Sons for their sorcery. 

This book provides a different viewpoint on the same events, highlighting the cultural differences and mutual misunderstandings between the two legions.

16. Age of Darkness

“Age of Darkness” is another anthology of short stories. These stories explore the aftermath of the initial betrayals and the spread of Horus’s rebellion. The galaxy is descending into darkness, and these tales show how different characters and factions are coping with the chaos.

17. The Outcast Dead

“The Outcast Dead” tells the story of a group of escaped prisoners from the Emperor’s dungeon. These prisoners include powerful psykers and former warriors. They must navigate a dangerous path to freedom while dealing with their own secrets and pasts. This book adds a different perspective, focusing on those who are not directly part of the main conflict.

18. Deliverance Lost

“Deliverance Lost” follows the Raven Guard Legion and their Primarch, Corvus Corax. After suffering heavy losses, the Raven Guard must rebuild and strike back against Horus’s forces. This book highlights the themes of resilience and determination as Corax tries to restore his legion to its former strength.

19. Know No Fear

“Know No Fear” focuses on the Ultramarines Legion and their Primarch, Roboute Guilliman. The book covers the Battle of Calth, a major confrontation between the Ultramarines and the Word Bearers. This battle is a turning point in the Horus Heresy, showing the scale and brutality of the conflict. The story emphasizes the leadership and tactical brilliance of Guilliman.

20. The Primarchs

“The Primarchs” is a collection of novellas that focus on different Primarchs. Each story delves into the character and motivations of these powerful leaders. It provides deeper insight into their personalities and the roles they play in the Horus Heresy.

21. Fear to Tread

“Fear to Tread” tells the story of the Blood Angels Legion and their Primarch, Sanguinius. The Blood Angels are known for their nobility and valor. However, they also struggle with a dark flaw, the Red Thirst. This book explores their internal conflicts and their battles against Horus’s forces. Sanguinius’s leadership and tragic fate are central themes.

22. Shadows of Treachery

“Shadows of Treachery” is another anthology of short stories. These tales explore different aspects of treachery and betrayal within the Horus Heresy. The stories provide more background on various characters and events, enriching the overall narrative.

23. Angel Exterminatus

“Angel Exterminatus” follows the Iron Warriors Legion and their Primarch, Perturabo. Perturabo is a master of siege warfare, and this book shows his quest for power and recognition. The story delves into the complexities of loyalty and ambition as Perturabo makes his mark on the galaxy.

24. Betrayer

“Betrayer” focuses on the World Eaters Legion and their Primarch, Angron. The World Eaters are known for their brutal and berserk fighting style. This book explores Angron’s tragic past and the intense loyalty of his warriors. 

it is a story of rage and redemption, showing the human side of these fearsome fighters.

25. Mark of Calth

“Mark of Calth” is a collection of short stories centered around the Battle of Calth. These stories provide different perspectives on the battle and its aftermath. They highlight the courage and sacrifice of the Ultramarines and their allies as they fight against the Word Bearers.


The Horus Heresy series is a vast and epic saga that delves into the themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the struggle for power. Each book offers a unique perspective on the conflict, providing a rich and immersive experience for readers.

Some Questions

What is the complete Horus Heresy Book Order? 

The Horus Heresy series consists of 61 novels, and the complete order can be found in the “Horus Heresy reading order 2024” snippet.

Why is it important to read the Horus Heresy Book Order? 

Reading the Horus Heresy book order provides a clearer understanding of the overarching narrative, character development, and the complex political and military strategies at play. The series is structured to follow a chronological progression of events leading up to and during the Horus Heresy.

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