How To Romance Judy Cyberpunk

judy romance guide

In the immersive world of Cyberpunk 2077, Judy Alvarez stands out as the quintessential “canon” romance option for a female protagonist, V. This iconic relationship is widely regarded as one of the most authentic and meaningful connections in the game, culminating in a profoundly satisfying “canon” ending that resonates with many players.

Judy’s loyalty and passion make her an exceptional companion for those seeking a genuine and emotional bond. As you delve into her quest, you’ll discover a complex character who wears her heart on her sleeve, acting on her emotions with unbridled honesty.

If you’re looking for a Judy romance guide to help navigate the intricacies of this captivating relationship, you’re in luck! With Judy by your side, you’ll experience a depth of emotion and connection that elevates the entire gaming experience, making her the ultimate companion for a female V.

Judy Alvarez yearns for a life beyond the chaos and danger that permeates Night City, where the constant din of violence and ever-rising body count has taken a toll on her spirit. She had been secretly plotting her escape, seeking refuge from the city’s toxic landscape.

However, her plans are put on hold when V bursts into her life, proposing an audacious heist against the powerful Arasaka corporation. This thrilling opportunity awakens Judy’s sense of adventure and possibility, drawing her into a world of high-stakes action and intrigue.

As she joins forces with V, Judy finds herself torn between her desire for freedom and the thrill of the challenge, setting her on a path that will forever change her fate.

Romancing Judy : A Step-by-Step Guide

To win Judy’s heart, focus on building a solid connection with her during her pivotal “Pyramid Song” mission. This deep dive into her backstory and desires is the perfect opportunity to foster a romantic bond. By making thoughtful dialogue choices and showing genuine interest in her life, you’ll pave the way for a passionate relationship.

As you progress through the mission, look for the coveted kiss icon, which indicates that Judy is receptive to your advances. With careful attention to your interactions and a commitment to understanding her needs, you’ll be rewarded with a romantic culmination, sealing your love for Judy in the gritty world of Night City.

Judy’s Storyline Missions: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Both Sides, Now (Side Mission)

After wrapping up the “Double Life” main quest, wait for Judy’s call, which will come 24 hrs later. When she reaches out, take on the mission she gives you and see it through. Then, wait for the story to progress further.

2. Ex-Factor (Side Mission)

After an earlier mission, Judy will message you, for your help. Respond promptly and confirm your assistance when she calls. If you mistakenly decline, you have the option to call her back but be aware that it might affect your romance prospects.

In the Ex-Factor mission, focus on advancing Judy’s storyline and deepening your connection. Don’t stress too much about your choices, as they won’t drastically impact the outcome. You aim to progress the story and build a stronger bond with Judy.

Bout A Revolution (Side Mission)

  1. After finishing the last task, She sent you another message. Reply and then either wait for 24 hrs (or choose to skip the wait) for her next communication to start the next assignment.
  2. Judy will share her plan at her apartment and request your assistance in training one of her associates. To advance, choose the dialogue option: “I’m here to help.” This will prompt the next mission.
  3. Certainly! You got it:
    “During the subsequent mission, please select the dialogue options provided below:”
    • “Out of the question.”
    • “Forget about it, it’s passed.”
    • [Lean] “Sure, thanks.”

After these choices, you’ll fall asleep on Judy’s sofa and wake up to eat breakfast – a sign that your relationship is on the right track!”

Pisces (Side Mission ): A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Accept Judy’s call and mission invitation, continuing her storyline.
  2. During the meeting at her penthouse, select the specified dialogue options in the given order:
    • “Let’s do this.”
    • “Who are the other two?”
    • “Do my best, jack ’em out.”
    • “Hold on, think you’ve gone too far!” [Draw Weapon]
    • “Let’s cut this quick.” (Kill the gang leaders)
    • “What?”
    • “You tried to cheat us all!” [Kill Maiko]

To progress, you must eliminate Maiko, unlocking Judy’s last mission. Declining or accepting alternative options will halt your progress.

  1. Fulfil the objective and engage in a dialogue with Judy, during which she will share her worries about the circumstances. There’s no need for particular conversation options; participate in the discussion to progress.

Pyramid Song (Side Mission – Judy Storyline): A Romantic Turning Point

  1. When she’s ready to move forward, Judy will contact you, inviting you on a diving trip. Respond enthusiastically: “Hell yeah, I’m in!”
  2. Fulfil the assignment by completing additional tasks to learn about Judy’s history and strengthen your bond with her.
  3. After returning to the cottage, Judy asks you to spend the night. Choose [Stand] “Sure, why not”—an important decision that will impact the future of your romance.
  4. After you bring back the power, Judy’s reflections become apparent. Go to the bathroom door and make a decision:
  • [Sit] “We’re still synced.”
  • [Touch] “It is ours.”

This leads to a romantic kiss, marking a pivotal moment in your relationship.

  1. Judy will ask a meaningful question by the pier the next day. Respond with “The beginning of something amazing” to solidify your relationship, unlocking:
  • Drunk texts and calls
  • Various interactions
  • A key for her apartment.

These choices will determine the course of your romance with Judy.

Unlock the secrets of Judy’s captivating storyline in Cyberpunk 2077 by completing the ‘Pyramid Song’ mission. This remarkable achievement offers a rich and immersive narrative experience, setting you apart as a master of the game’s complex storytelling. Navigating Judy’s journey and making crucial choices will unlock a unique and satisfying ending, earning the prestigious achievement “Judy vs Night City.” This triumph demonstrates your devotion to Judy’s tale and showcases your expertise in navigating the game’s intricate narrative landscape, solidifying your position as a true Cyberpunk 2077 veteran.

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