This Is Why You Must Install A Heat Pump Before 2024


Heat pumps have been growing rapidly in the UK over the last few years, but there is still a long way to go. Currently, 17% of the UK’s carbon emissions are due to heating. There is no better time for installing a heat pump than now.

Here are four benefits of installing a heat pump in your home and office before the new year.

Save money on your electricity bills

The cost of energy is currently roaring high, and it is expected to rise even higher. By replacing your electric boiler, LPG, or oil with a heat pump, you will save big bucks on energy bills.

Air-source heat pumps heat the house effectively and efficiently by drawing outside air energy, helping you save up to £780 in a year. Compared to conventional heating systems, air-source heat pumps require much less energy to run. The efficiency of heat pumps is dependent on various factors, such as operating conditions, specific models, and local climate.

The saving value relies on the system you are replacing it with. For instance, if you swap a G-rated boiler wit a well-designed pump then you can easily save upto £295 on your current bills.

If you already have solar panels in your home, you can save more money by using the free energy to power the heat pump. You can even save more money by storing some energy in solar batteries and using it later to power your heat pump.

Utilize financial incentives for heat pumps

Now UK offers more financial support incentives to teh cost of heat pumps. If you live in Wales or England then you will receive a grant of £7, 500 for the installation of a Low-carbon heating system like Heat pumps under the oiler Upgrade Scheme. 

In Scotland, the incentive value is £ 7,500—£ 9,000. This initiative is focused on reducing carbon emissions generated by homes and making them environment-friendly and energy-efficient.  

Now there are plenty of brands that offer comparatively affordable heat pumps. 

Future-proof your house heating system

By 2025, the UK government will ban the use of natural gas in new builds and gas for heating in older homes. This is being done to rebalance the gas and electricity prices, making Heat pumps cheaper to operate. Heat pumps would become cheaper to run than gas boilers.

Also, the government will implement a clear heat market scheme by asking manufacturers to sell at least 4 heat pumps for every 100 gas boilers or pay a heat pump credit equivalent of £5,000. 

To achieve a net zero for carbon emission it is extremely essential to promote the usage of heat pumps. 

Reduce your home’s carbon footprint

According to a report submitted by the Climate Change Committee, 17% of UK emissions result from heating systems in houses. Most residential buildings in the UK use the gas grid to run traditional boiler systems.

To transition into a zero carbon footprint economy it is important to decarbonise our heating system and meet the climate targets. By switching to low-carbon, renewable heating you can help in reducing the carbon emission caused by your house by upto 65%. If you are replacing your heat pump with LPG, natural gas and oil-fuelled boilers then your carbon footprint will be reduced.

The benefits of installing heat pumps make them a great pick for future domestic heating. It will not only save on energy bills but is also beneficial for the environment and makes them a great addition to any house. With time and advancement in technology the cost of heating pumps is going to reduce further. Let’s think about our environment and our future and make this efficient switch.