“They Both Die at the End Summary” by Adam Silvera: A Heartfelt Book Review

they both die at the end summary

In this book review, we will talk about the touching novel “They Both Die at the End Summary” by Adam Silvera. This young adult story takes us on an emotional journey, which has the mixed themes of life, loss, and the importance of seizing every moment.


  • Title: They Both Die at the End
  •  Author: Adam Silvera
  •  Genre: Young Adult, Drama
  •  Publisher: HarperTeen
  •  Publication Date: September 5, 2017
  •  Pages: 384

They Both Die at the End Summary

The novel is all about two teenage boys, Mateo and Rufus, who receive a life-altering call from DeathCast. This company predicts when individuals will die, and both boys learn that they have only one day left to live. Their paths intersect through an app called Last Friend, designed to connect lonely souls on their final day.

  • Mateo: An introverted young man who decides to live during his last hours.
  •  He downloads Last Friend to find companionship.
  •  He visits his comatose father, leaves a heartfelt note, and says goodbye.
  •  Shares a poignant moment with his best friend, Lidia.
  • life of Rufus takes a turn when he receives the DeathCast call.
  •  Escapes arrest after a confrontation with his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend.
  •  Joins Mateo through Last Friend.
  •  Their friendship deepens as they explore the city together.

Emotions and Themes of the Novel

  • Living vs. Dying: The novel grapples with the urgency of living fully, even in the face of imminent death.
  •  Friendship and Connection: Mateo and Rufus find solace in each other’s company, sharing their fears and dreams.
  •  Melancholy and Hope: Silvera strikes a delicate balance, creating a bittersweet narrative that resonates with readers.

Why to Read “They Both Die at the End Summary”?

Here are the reasons of why you should read this novel:

  • The book features a gay Puerto-Rican main character and a bisexual Cuban main character.
  •  The dialogue captures the essence of youth, making the characters relatable.
  •  Prepare for tears, laughter, and introspection.

author’s writing style

Adam Silvera, in his novel “They Both Die at the End Summary,” has a writing style that is related to readers, which captures both their hearts and minds. Let us talk about some aspects of his writing:

  • The novel primarily uses first-person narration through the perspectives of the two main characters, Mateo and Rufus.
  •  This choice allows readers to understand their feelings, fears and hopes before they fully reveal themselves to each other.
  •  We witness Mateo’s fear of the outside world and Rufus’ self-awareness as they grapple with their impending End Day.
  •  Silvera’s characters speak like real teenagers. Their conversations are witty, relatable, and natural.
  •  Unlike some YA novels, where characters deliver lengthy monologues, Silvera keeps it authentic, allowing readers to connect with the characters on a personal level.
  •  The author expertly weaves emotions into the narrative.
  •  Through foreshadowing, symbolism, and vivid imagery, he evokes powerful emotional responses from readers.
  •  Prepare for tears, laughter, and moments of introspection.
  •     Rather than dealing with weighty themes like life, death, and human connection, Silvera’s prose remains accessible.
  •  His writing style balances complexity with simplicity, making the novel engaging for a vast audience.

Pick up the book if

“They Both Die at the End Summary” is a book that might touch your heart if you are someone who feels deeply. It is a serious young adult novel that makes you ponder important things. So, if you like that kind of book, give it a read.

Skip the book if

If you are not into young adult novels, it is best to skip this book. Moreover, if you do not like sad stories, avoid them too. This book is more sad than entertaining, so if you are looking for fun, choose a different one. 

Conclusion: They Both Die at the End Summary

“They Both Die at the End Summary” is more than a book; it is an invitation to reflect on life’s fragility and the beauty of human connections. Silvera’s storytelling hope, which leaves readers with a lasting impression.


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