“Wildfire Hannah Grace” is a romance novel about a shy hockey player named Russ. He takes a summer job at a camp to escape his problems at home. At a party, Russ meets an outgoing college student named Aurora, and they share a romantic moment. However, she leaves suddenly, and Russ is left feeling disappointed.
However, then, something unexpected happens! Russ and Aurora meet again at the summer camp where they both work. Aurora is trying to escape her family problems. As they spend more time together, they develop feelings for each other.
I saw a lot of buzz about ‘Icebreaker’ on TikTok, so I read it because of its cute cover. But unfortunately, the book didn’t live up to my expectations. The idea was interesting, but it wasn’t carried out well. The book relied too much on clichés to create sweet moments between characters instead of moving the story forward. It was also too long and had too many characters, making it hard to follow.
After having a bad experience with ‘Icebreaker’, I was nervous about reading ‘Wildfire’. But I was glad to find that ‘Wildfire’ was much better! Many of my problems with ‘Icebreaker’ weren’t there in ‘Wildfire’. The book felt more polished and enjoyable to read. I’m now interested in reading the next book in the series, which I wasn’t expecting.
The best thing about Wildfire is how better the writing is than the first book’s. It’s clear that the author took the time to make sure the story made sense and that the cute and romantic moments helped the characters and plot grow. Some scenes felt repetitive, but the story felt complete and well-put-together, unlike ‘Icebreaker’. I also liked the ending, even though I am not usually a fan of epilogues. It helped tie up loose ends and gave a satisfying conclusion to the story.
While ‘Wildfire’ was a significant improvement, some parts still needed to work. The story was steady and did not have many ups and downs. I was expecting some big dramatic moments, but they did not happen. The author set up some situations that could have led to exciting conflicts but were resolved too quickly. I would have liked more tension and conflict to make the story more interesting.
I also liked the characters in ‘Wildfire’. Russ and Aurora had interesting pasts that made their misunderstandings seem real. I appreciated that the author made Russ shy and Aurora outgoing because that is not a common combination in this type of story. Their personalities and pasts made them a good match, which made their relationship feel genuine and believable.
Overall, Wildfire was a good romance book. I wished there was a bit more drama and tension, but the rest of the story was well done. I enjoyed it enough to want to read the next book in the series. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

Ross, an exam specialist with a passion for education, writes comprehensive articles on exam results and admit cards. His expertise ensures students receive reliable information and useful tips to excel in their exams.